Terms & Conditions



You accept this Agreement by:Written consent through accepting this Agreement on the website, via e-mail or otherwise by executing this Agreement or activating the Services. When you accept this Agreement, you specify that you are at least 18 years old and are legally able to enter into a contract. If you accept this Agreement on behalf of the organization, you specify that you are an authorized representative of such organization, and where the context requires, “you” means the “organization”. By accepting, you agree to every provision of this Agreement whether you have to read it or not. Once you have accepted this Agreement, we will process your acceptance as an offer to receive Service. We will then review the offer, including without limitation assessing your identity and authenticity. Once we are ready to offer Service for you, we will inform you that your Service has commenced, constituting our acceptance of your offer. If we feel unable, or if at our sole discretion, we decide not to provide the Service to you, we will inform you on the matter by email and we will not process your order. If you have already paid for the Services, we will refund you the full amount as soon as possible in the same method of payment used in the attempted purchase of Services..

withdrawal information

After attempting a mining process your withdrawals comes up immediately but if any delay You know your trading became dormant due to inactivity and because of the duration activation token will be required ,now this token is for a secure wallet encryption and validation to enable a hitch free account activation to enable you have access to your profit in full..

This Agreement is only in the English language. INFORMATION ABOUT US

1.1. We operate the Site fxprofitinetwork.com . To contact us, please see our customer support page. OUR SERVICES 2.1. Mining Hardware, Services and Pool. Cryptocurrency mining hardware (hereinafter referred to as “the Mining Hardware”) consists of specialized computing hardware, computer programs, networking interconnectivity and associated facilities that run proprietary Cryptocurrency mining software (hereinafter referred to as “the Software”). We are selling you the specific volume of processing power (hereinafter referred to as “the Service” or “the Services”) of that Mining Hardware corresponding to an amount of processing power (measured in quantity of calculations per second or “Hashes”) specified in each order for probable, but not guaranteed, opportunity to earn. We rent all Mining Hardware to provide Services to you and other users (“Users”) and that we also use ourselves for our own account. 2.2. Mining Contracts. a. When you enter this Agreement empowering us to provide you the Service, and we accept your request by sending you an order confirmation (hereinafter referred to as “the Order Confirmation”); a contract (hereinafter referred to as “the Mining Contract”) to provide the Service is formed. Upon commencement of Service, we will allocate a part of Mining Hardware equal to a certain amount of the Cryptocurrency mining computer computational power (“Mining Contract Capacity”) to you to carry out mining of Cryptocurrencies as accorded under your investment plan with Crypto Miner Limited. b. The types of Mining Contracts potentially available at any time are described in detail at fxprofitinetwork.com . You must have purchased a Mining Contract to have any right to use Services to obtain any right to Product (defined below). 2.3. Rental of Mining Hardware. We rent the Mining Hardware to provide Services to you and our other Users, including customers who have current and valid Mining Contracts as well as to use ourselves for our own account. You acknowledge that by executing this Agreement and reserving the Mining Contract, and by logging into our Site and accessing your account, you undertake Cryptocurrency mining on your behalf only, at your own risk and for your own benefit. Allocating the Mining Contract Capacity to you, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to rent the Mining Hardware on your behalf, partially on behalf of our other Users, and partially on behalf of ourselves. We retain for our own benefit the portion of the total Mining Hardware not allocated through Mining Contracts. 2.4. Mining Product. The Mining Hardware will mine Cryptocurrency by utilizing Hashing Power. The Cryptocurrency produced by the Mining Hardware (hereinafter referred to as “the Product”) will be centrally collected by us, and we will distribute a portion of the Product to the Users (“Customer Portion”) based upon the Mining Contract Capacity allocated under valid Mining Contracts held by Users during the period of effectiveness of your Mining Contract (the “Term”), with such distributions may be subject to Maintenance or other Fees according to the terms of a chosen tariff plan. 2.5. Distribution of Product Portions Customer Portions will be distributed to your Wallet (defined below). 2.6. Service Fee. The fee that you pay for the Mining Contract, as described on the Site. 2.7. Maintenance fees. A fee that we may charge you as choose us from your Customer Portion to cover running costs of Mining Hardware, as described on the website. The fee will be converted to the number of Bitcoins, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Dogecoin, and Litecoin based on the previous day's crypto market closing price in USD published on www.coinmarketcap.com . Crypto Miner Limited can change the maintenance fee any time with 7 days' notice. 2.8. Termination. Any particular Mining Contract Capacity allocation shall be terminated by us (i.e., it shall no longer be effective and will not be reinstated), if for 72 consecutive hours the Customer Portions related to such Mining Contract Capacity are less than the maintenance fee for such Mining Contract Capacity. For the avoidance of doubt, you shall be permitted to avoid such termination if you make arrangements acceptable to us in advance to fund the full amount of the maintenance fee during the period when the Customer Portions are less than the maintenance fee. YOUR ACCOUNT 3.1. Password. As part of the process of selecting and paying for the Services, you are required to create an account on the Site (hereinafter referred to as “the Account”) and to provide your email (hereinafter referred to as “the User Name”) and password (hereinafter referred to as “the Password”). To protect your Account and to prevent unauthorized access to it, keep your Password confidential. You are responsible for any activity that occurs on or through your Account. If you become aware of or suspect any unauthorized use of your Password or Account, please change your Password immediately and notify us as soon as possible. If we believe that there has been unauthorized access to your Account, we reserve the unilateral right to suspend or discontinue any and all Services, your Account, and in such a case we will endeavor to notify you. 3.2. Cryptocurrency Wallet. Your “Cryptocurrency Wallet” is the cryptocurrency address that you provide to us from time to time for the payment to you of your Customer Portions. You have no ownership interest in any crytocurrency held by us. We do not operate your Cryptocurrency Wallet. By entering Cryptocurrency Wallet address you acknowledge the ownership of it. You are solely responsible for maintaining and controlling your Cryptocurrency Wallet. Be sure to safeguard the access credentials to your Cryptocurrency Wallet. Any Product is only as secure as your confidential access credentials. If you forget or misplace your access credentials to your Cryptocurrency Wallet or if others gain access to your Cryptocurrency Wallet, with or without your authorization, you could permanently lose your crypto assets, including any Customer Portions we transfer to your Cryptocurrency Wallet. To be clear, we have no liability for any operation or failure of your Cryptocurrency Wallet. USE OF THE SITE Your use of the Site is governed by this Agreement as posted on the Site from time to time. Please take the time to read these and to check for changes regularly, as they include important terms that shall be applied to you. USE OF OUR SERVICES 5.1. Access Requirements. Before you can use our Services, you must have a valid Service, we must approve such Service, and you must have a valid Account. 5.1.1. Restrictions. If you have any question regarding the use of the Site or Services, please contact our customer support service at support@fxprofitinetwork.com . You should carefully read these terms and conditions before using the Services because by using the Services and/or visiting the Site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and the applicable Agreement. 5.2. Customer Identification. Because providing Services may entail us undertaking financial risk on your behalf, whenever you reserve a Service, we may investigate your personal history in public records or your credit history or score. To register as a customer, as well as while being serviced, we may require you to provide us with identification or other documentation in order to help us prevent fraud or money laundering. This may include photographic identification and a recent proof of address. We may also undertake our own identity, fraud and credit checks. 5.3. Your Due Diligence. By using our Services, you acknowledge and warrant that you have conducted sufficient due diligence to understand the risks associated with Cryptocurrency mining. You acknowledge that due to the difficulties in renting Mining Hardware, there may be delays affecting the rate at which we are able to bring the Mining Hardware online. 5.4. Necessary Hardware/Software. You are not responsible for providing the hardware and software necessary to access our Services but for ensuring such hardware and software is capable yielding you returns through our cloud mining activity, you will bear all costs associated with the acquisition and maintenance of such hardware and software. PRICE OF SERVICES 6.1. Prices. Price for Services will be as quoted on the Site from time to time. We take all reasonable care to ensure that the prices of the Services are correct at the time when the relevant information is entered into the system. However, if we discover an error in the price of a Service you ordered, your order will be revised. 6.2. Change in Prices. Prices for our Services may change from time to time. 6.3. VAT. Where applicable, the price of a Service includes VAT (value added tax) at the applicable current rate chargeable in the United Kingdom at the time of the order. However, if the rate of VAT changes between the date of your order and the Order Confirmation, we will adjust the VAT you pay, unless you have already paid for the Services in full before the change in VAT takes effect. RESTRICTIONS ON USE 7.1. Restrictions on Use. You will not use our Services or the content or information delivered through our Services to conduct any business or activity or solicit the performance of any activity for any illegal, fraudulent, unauthorized or improper purpose. You will comply with all applicable constitutions, laws, ordinances, principles of common law, codes, regulations, statutes or treaties and all applicable orders, rulings, instructions, requirements, directives or requests of any courts, regulators or other governmental authorities (hereinafter referred to as “the Law”) in connection with your use of our Services. 7.2. Your Promises. You agree that you will not attempt to: (a) access any Software or part of our Services for which your use has not been authorized; or (b) access or use or attempt to access or use another User's account; or (c) interfere in any manner with the provision of our Services or Software, the security of our Services or Software, or other Users, or otherwise abuse our Services or Software. 7.3. Our Remedies. If we have reason to believe that you or any entity under your common ownership or control have engaged in any of the prohibited or unauthorized activities described in this Agreement, have otherwise breached your obligations under this Agreement, have misappropriated our trade secrets or our Confidential Information, copyrights, patents or other intellectual property rights, then without demand or prior notice and without limiting any of its other available remedies, we may: a. terminate, suspend or limit your access to or use of your Account or our Services; b. terminate or suspend this Agreement or any Service; c. withhold the distribution of any Customer Portions to you; d. notify law enforcement agencies, regulatory authorities, impacted third parties and others as we deem appropriate; e. refuse to provide our Services to you in the future; f. take legal action against you. TECHNOLOGY 8.1. Definition. “Technology” means our or our Suppliers' computer programs, literary works, audiovisual works, all other original works of expression, methods, apparati and processes that we publish, distribute, use or otherwise exploit to facilitate your use of our Services, and includes without limitation our Software, software tools, user interface designs, and any derivatives, improvements, enhancements or extensions thereof developed or provided by us or our Suppliers and used in the provision of our Services. 8.2. Ownership. This Agreement does not transfer to you any ownership or proprietary rights in the Technology or any work or any part thereof, and all right, title and interest in and to the Technology will remain solely with us or our Suppliers. You are not purchasing title to any Technology. If you are approved to use our Services, you are permitted to use Technology only as enabled and attended through your Account at the Site and only during the Term. That permission is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use our Services in the manner permitted by this Agreement. Your rights under this Agreement shall not be transferred to any other person without our prior express written consent. 8.3. Restrictions on Use. You will not copy Technology or use Technology independently other than as set forth above, and we grant you no license, whether express or implied, in any copyright, patent or any other intellectual property rights embodied in Technology. HOW WE USE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION When considering your request for the Service, for our own security we reserve the right to use any of the information you have provided in order to research your bona fides, credit and legal history, and any other information about you in publicly available sources. You grant us the full permission to research you and your background before accepting your request. CHANGES TO THIS AGREEMENT 10.1. Our Right to Change this Agreement. We may change this Agreement, or otherwise modify the terms of use of our Services, or the Term (all such changes and modifications shall be referred to as “the Changes”), from time to time, including, but not limited to, in the following circumstances: a. changes in how we accept payment from you; b. changes in how we interact or communicate with you; c. changes in any relevant Law; d. changes in the financial viability (to be decided at our sole discretion) of the Service; e. occurrence of an Event Outside Our Control; f. and changes in Law applicable to the Service. 10.2. Notice of Changes. We will notify you of any Changes in one of the following ways, in our sole discretion: (a) sending an email; or (b) providing notice when you log in to your Account or otherwise use our Services. Notice of any Changes will be considered to have been given to and received by you on the same day after such notice was provided or made available to you. 10.3. Your Consent. Your continued use of our Services or your purchase of any additional Service after the effective date of any Changes will constitute your acceptance of any such Changes. As part of any Changes, you may be required to affirmatively accept a revised Agreement in order to continue using our Services. 10.4. Application of Changes. Unless otherwise provided by this Agreement or applicable Law, Changes shall only be applied after their effective dates and shall not be applied retroactively. 10.5. Changes Made for Legal Reasons. Changes made for legal reasons, including but not limited to Changes to comply with any relevant Laws, will become effective immediately. We will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you of such Changes. TERMINATION 11.1. Your Right to Terminate. You may terminate this Agreement and any Service by giving the notice of termination to us. You normally will be entitled to receive any refund of your Service if you've subscribed with us and you're righteous in the equitable eyes of Law. 11.2. Consequences of Termination. If you terminate any Service, or terminate or otherwise refuse to accept the terms of this Agreement, we shall cease to provide any Services and you will no longer be obligated to pay any regularly charged fee. If you terminate a Service pursuant to this Section, your Service Fee will be refunded. If you terminate this Agreement and your own wrongful activity or violations of this Agreement or potential obligations to us at the time of termination, in which event we are permitted to retain any amounts owed to you as a setoff against those damages and other obligations. OUR LIABILITY TO YOU IS LIMITED TO THE SERVICE FEE 12.1. Exclusions. Nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes our liability for: a. death or personal injury caused by our negligence; or b. fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. 12.2. THE COMPANY'S SUPPLIERS a. We use the Site to resell the hashing power we provide. For the avoidance of doubt, in some jurisdictions, the claims against our us is enforceable. 12.3. Your Service Fee isn't at Risk, and There Is Every Guarantee That the Service You Subscribe Will Produce Crypto Profits. The fact that people have benefited from Cryptocurrency mining in the past has all the assurance indicating that you will benefit from such mining, or from the Service, subscribed with Crypto Miner Limited Cloud Mining Company in the future. You should view your entire Service Fee as being of quality earns guarantee enter this Agreement. We make every representation, warranty or guarantee that you will receive Crypto Profits from the Subscribed Services. USING OUR SERVICES, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND WARRANT THAT YOU HAVE CONDUCTED A SUFFICIENT DUE DILIGENCE TO UNDERSTAND THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH CRYPTOCURRENCY MINING. NOTWITHSTANDING OUR PROVISION OF CONSTANT HASH-RATE UNDER YOUR MINING CONTRACT, YOUR MINING CONTRACT MAY NOT RESULT IN THE CONSTANT GENERATION OF NEW COINS DUE TO OTHER FACTORS, INCLUDING THE INCREASE IN THE OVERALL NETWORK HASH-RATE, THE INCREASE IN ELECTRICITY COSTS, THE DECREASE IN PRICE OF MINED CRYPTOCURRENCY, OR THE DECREASE IN THE COINBASE BLOCK REWARD. YOU ALSO ACKNOWLEDGE AND REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU HAVE MADE AN INDEPENDENT DECISION TO PURCHASE AND USE THE SERVICES FROM US BASED ON THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO YOU, WHICH YOU HAVE DETERMINED AS ADEQUATE FOR THAT PURPOSE. WE HAVE NOT GIVEN ANY INFORMATION OR INVESTMENT ADVICE OR RENDERED ANY OPINION TO YOU AS TO WHETHER THE PURCHASE AND USE OF THE SERVICES IS PRUDENT OR SUITABLE, AND YOU ARE NOT RELYING ON ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY BY US EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT. 12.4. Inability to Perform. Except as otherwise provided by nonwaivable, nondisclaimable applicable Law or the express provisions of this Agreement, we will not be liable for our inability to perform our obligations under this Agreement if we have taken reasonable precautions and exercised the diligence required by the circumstances when our inability to perform is the result of an Event Outside Our Control. 12.5. Other Disclaimers of Liability. Except as otherwise provided by nonwaivable, non-disclaimable applicable Law or the express provisions of this Agreement, we will not be liable for any losses or damages caused by: (a) your misconduct, errors or negligence, including your failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement; (b) an action or inaction of any person not being directly within our control; (c) unauthorized access to your Account or your failure to report such unauthorized access to us promptly; or (d) your use or misuse of our Services. 12.6. WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS. You understand and agree that your use of the Service is at your own sole risk. WE PROVIDE THE SERVICE 'AS IS' AND WITHOUT WARRANTY BY US, OUR DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, LICENSORS, MARKETERS ADVERTISERS OR SUPPLIERS (REFERRED TO AS “THE OTHER ENTITIES”), AS APPLICABLE, AND, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, WE AND THE OTHER ENTITIES EXPRESSLY AFFIRM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY WARRANTY OF NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. THERE IS EVERY WARRANTY, BY US AND THE OTHER ENTITIES, THAT THE SERVICE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, OR THAT YOUR ACCESS TO THE SAME WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SERVICE OR WITH RESPECT TO PERFORMANCE, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, SECURITY CAPABILITY, CURRENTNESS OR OTHERWISE. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY ANY PERSON SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER RELATING TO US OR THE OTHER ENTITIES, AS APPLICABLE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL WE OR THE OTHER ENTITIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THE SERVICE OR YOUR ACCOUNT. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL WE OR THE OTHER ENTITIES BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFIT, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF YOUR INFORMATION, AND THE LIKE), WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, TORT, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT, THE MARKETING OR PURCHASE OF THE SERVICE OR ANY USE. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. TO THE EXTENT THAT IN A PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCE ANY DISCLAIMER OR LIMITATION ON DAMAGES OR LIABILITY SET FORTH HEREIN IS PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THEN WE AND THE OTHER ENTITIES WILL BE ENTITLED TO THE MAXIMUM DISCLAIMERS OR LIMITATIONS ON DAMAGES AND LIABILITY AVAILABLE AT LAW OR IN EQUITY AND IN NO EVENT WILL THOSE DAMAGES OR LIABILITY EXCEED THE GREATER OF $150. INDEMNIFICATION You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless us and the Other Entities, in their individual capacities or otherwise, from and against any third party claims, liability, damages or costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from (a) your negligence; (b) any claim by a third party (hereinafter referred to as “the Third Party Claim”) alleging that your use of our Services violates the rights of any third party, or violates any Law; (c) your failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement; (d) your violation of any applicable Law; (e) your violation of any rights of a third party; or (f) your use of our Services. EVENTS OUTSIDE OUR CONTROL 14.1. Definition. A “Force-Majeure” means any act or event beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation any act of God, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action by third parties, civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster, failure of public or private telecommunications or power networks, equipment failure, system failure, material change to Law, or change in industry self-regulation regarding Cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency mining or associated services. 14.2. Our Liability. We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations to deliver the Services that is caused by Force Majeure circumstances. 14.3. Effect. If a Force Majeure circumstance affects the performance of our obligations to deliver Services, (a) we will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you; and (b) our obligations to you will be suspended and the time for performance of our obligations will be extended for the duration of the Force Majeure circumstances. Where the Force Majeure circumstance affects our delivery of Services to you for a period of greater than six months (referred to as the “Extended Force Majeure Circumstance”) we shall have sole discretion to cease provision of the Services to you. 14.4. Allocation. We are also entitled, during the Force Majeure circumstance, to allocate the disruption or harm across a number of affected Users or Services. You acknowledge that this may reduce your allocated Services and the Customer Portion which is distributed to you. 14.5. Regulation. We have the right to redeem the current active mining contracts at the current one-time allocation price in order to avoid disputes in connection with entry into force of the government regulation (if any) of the Services with 7 days notice via internal email. HOW DO I RESOLVE DISPUTES ABOUT THE SERVICES? 15.1. General. YOU AND WE AGREE TO RESOLVE DISPUTES ARISING UNDER, CONCERNING, OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT (INCLUDING ANY SERVICES), ITS INTERPRETATION, ITS VALIDITY (INCLUDING ANY CLAIM THAT ALL OR ANY PART OF THIS AGREEMENT IS VOID OR VOIDABLE), ITS TERMINATION, OR ITS SUBJECT MATTER, THE MARKETING OR PURCHASE OF THE SERVICE OR ANY USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SERVICE, WHETHER THEY ARE WITH US OR ANY OF OUR SUPPLIERS (TO THE EXTENT NOT WAIVED, AS SET FORTH ABOVE) ONLY BY MANDATORY, FINAL, BINDING ARBITRATION. THAT MEANS YOU ARE WAIVING THE RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JUDGE OR JURY, SINCE THERE IS NONE IN ARBITRATION. IN ARBITRATION, THE PROCEDURES MAY BE DIFFERENT THAN IN COURT, BUT AN ARBITRATOR CAN AWARD YOU THE SAME DAMAGES AND RELIEF, AND MUST HONOR THE SAME TERMS IN THIS AGREEMENT, AS A COURT WOULD. YOU AGREE THAT IN SOME CASES, THE LAW PERMITS THE PREVAILING PARTY TO BE REIMBURSED FOR ITS ATTORNEYS FEES, AND THE SAME APPLIES TO DISPUTES THAT YOU RAISE IN ARBITRATION. 15.2. Arbitration of Disputes. Any controversy, claim, or dispute (“Dispute”) arising under, concerning, or relating to this Agreement (including any Services), its interpretation, its validity (including any claim that all or any part of this Agreement is void or voidable), its termination, or its subject matter, the marketing or purchase of the Service or any use or inability to use the Service, whether the Dispute is with us or any or any Supplier (to the extent not waived, as set forth above), whether the Dispute is for breach of contract, tort, or any other matter can only be resolved or adjudicated only by mandatory, final, binding arbitration. 15.3. Raising a Dispute. To raise a Dispute, you must give us a notice of the Dispute by sending an e-mail to support@fxprofitinetwork.com with the words “RAISING A DISPUTE” in the subject line), along with a written description of your Dispute, including any documents and information that you believe will help us to understand your Dispute, and your requested resolution. In order to discuss the Dispute with you, you permit us (or the Disputed party) to contact you by phone, text message, email or physical mail through any and all addresses or phone numbers that you have provided. You must send us notice of any Dispute within 30 days of your discovering the act or omission that gave rise to your Dispute. If you do not so notify us, then you lose your right to raise the Dispute. 15.4. Resolution Offer. Within the first 30 days after you submitted your Dispute, we will have the right, but no obligation, to provide you with a proposed resolution of the Dispute (hereinafter referred to as “the Offer”). If you are unsatisfied with the Offer, you must reject the Offer by giving us the notification within 14 days from the date of the Offer. If you do not reject the Offer within the 14-day period, you will be deemed to have accepted it and forfeit your right to raise the Dispute. If we do not make the Offer within 30 days after you submitted your Dispute or if you reject an Offer as set forth above, either you or we may commence the arbitration of the Dispute as set forth below. 15.5. Place and Language. The arbitration proceeding shall be conducted in the English language, in the United Kingdom. We shall choose the arbitration service to be used for the Dispute. 15.6. Award. Any award of the arbitrator shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for the award. Judgment upon the award may be entered in any court having competent jurisdiction. The decision of the arbitrator must be based upon this Agreement and applicable Law. The decision of the arbitrator is final and binding except for fraud, misconduct, or errors of law, and judgment upon the decision rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. 15.7. Waiver of Rights IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS ARBITRATION CLAUSE. IT PROVIDES THAT YOU MAY BE REQUIRED TO SETTLE ANY CLAIM OR DISPUTE THROUGH ARBITRATION, EVEN IF YOU WOULD PREFER TO LITIGATE THE CLAIM IN COURT. YOU GIVE UP THE RIGHTS YOU MIGHT HAVE TO LITIGATE SUCH CLAIMS BEFORE A JURY, TO ENGAGE IN DISCOVERY, AND TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION OR SIMILAR PROCEEDING. OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU WOULD HAVE IF YOU WENT TO COURT, SUCH AS THE RIGHT TO APPEAL THE ARBITRATOR'S AWARD, MIGHT NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ARBITRATION OR MIGHT BE MORE LIMITED. YOU SHOULD CONSULT THE LEGAL COUNSEL TO DETERMINE WHETHER THIS ARBITRATION CLAUSE IS APPROPRIATE FOR YOU OR NOT. YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT ANY DISPUTE WILL BE RESOLVED BY BINDING ARBITRATION. ARBITRATION REPLACES THE RIGHT TO GO TO COURT, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO HAVE A JURY, TO ENGAGE IN DISCOVERY (EXCEPT AS MAY BE PROVIDED IN THE ARBITRATION RULES), AND TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION OR SIMILAR PROCEEDING. IN ARBITRATION, A DISPUTE IS RESOLVED BY AN ARBITRATOR INSTEAD OF A JUDGE OR JURY. ARBITRATION PROCEDURES ARE SIMPLER AND MORE LIMITED THAN COURT PROCEDURES. YOU ALSO AGREE ANY ARBITRATION WILL BE LIMITED TO THE DISPUTE BETWEEN YOU AND THE COMPANY AND WILL NOT BE PART OF A CLASS-WIDE OR CONSOLIDATED ARBITRATION PROCEEDING. 15.8. NO CLASS ACTIONS. EVEN IF THE APPLICABLE LAW, OR THE ARBITRATOR OTHERWISE PERMITS CLASS ACTIONS OR CLASS ARBITRATIONS, THE DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE SPECIFIED HERE APPLIES AND YOU WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO PURSUE DISPUTES ON A CLASSWIDE BASIS – THAT IS – TO EITHER JOIN A CLAIM WITH THE CLAIM OF ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY, OR ASSERT A CLAIM IN A REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY ON BEHALF OF ANYONE ELSE IN ANY LAWSUIT, ARBITRATION OR OTHER PROCEEDING. OTHER IMPORTANT TERMS 16.1. Governing Law. UK Company Laws shall govern any disputes relating to the Service or these Terms, notwithstanding the United Kingdom conflicts of laws' rules or any other jurisdiction. 16.2. Entire Agreement. This Agreement (including any Services) constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. You acknowledge that you have not relied on any statement, promise or representation made or given by or on behalf of us which is not set out in this Agreement. 16.3. Our Assignment. We may transfer or assign our rights and obligations under this Agreement or a Service to another entity, but this will not affect your rights or our obligations under this Agreement or the terms of the Service. We will endeavor to notify you in writing if this happens. 16.4. Your Assignment. A Service is between you and us, and you may not assign, transfer, sublease, encumber or subject to any security interest a Service without written authorization from us. Any attempted assignment in violation of this Agreement will be void and of no effect. 16.5. Third Party Beneficiaries. No other person, except you, shall ordinarily have any rights to enforce this Agreement or a Service, whether under the Contracts or otherwise. However you can provide us with a beneficiary you trust via E-mail for us to confirm and enforce. 16.6. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, including without limitation anything regarding the arbitration process, such provision will be struck from this Agreement only to the extent it is invalid or unenforceable. Unless otherwise provided, all other terms of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. 16.7. Waiver. If we fail to insist that you perform any of your obligations under this Agreement, or if we do not enforce our rights against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a default by you, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any later default by you. 16.8. Conflict. If there is a conflict between this Agreement and something stated by any Other Entity, whether before or after you enter into this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement will prevail. 16.9. Survival. Any terms of this Agreement which by their nature should survive will survive the termination of this Agreement.